학술대회 공지사항

Announcement on the winner of the Travel Grant

  • 작성자

  • 작성일자

    2024-05-07 16:32
  • 조회수

  • 카테고리


Announcement on the winner of the Travel Grant 


Thank you to everyone who applied.​

Travel Grant winners are selected and informed as follows. 

We will inform you of the details through individual e-mail contact. 

Name Affiliation  Travel Grant (KRW) 
MATIENZO MERC EMIL 전남대                      100,000
PREMKUMAR NATRAJ 제주대                      100,000
Yoochan Myung The University of Queensland                      500,000
Yuki Nakashima Tokai University                      200,000
구보민 KAIST                      100,000
김소연 성균관대                      100,000
김수정 DGIST                      100,000
박애리 가톨릭대                      100,000
홍준형 충남대                      100,000
홍지원 아주대                      100,000


- ​ Supported by: PRG S&Tech Inc.