

BMB Reports

Emerging roles of neutrophils in immune homeostasis

  • 작성자

    Yoe-Sik Bae
  • 작성일자

  • 조회수

Name: Yoe-Sik Bae ( yoesik@skku.edu )
2010-present Associate/Full Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University
2008-2009 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
2002-2010 Full time Instructor, Assistant/Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Dong-A University College of Medicine
2000-2002 Postdoctoral research fellow, POSTECH
1998-2000 Ph.D., Department of Life Science, POSTECH

Emerging roles of neutrophils in immune homeostasis

Neutrophils, the most abundant innate immune cells, play essential roles in the innate immune system. As key innate immune cells, neutrophils detect intrusion of pathogens and initiate immune cascades with their functions; swarming (arresting), cytokine production, degranulation, phagocytosis, and projection of neutrophil extracellular trap. Because of their short lifespan and consumption during immune response, neutrophils need to be generated consistently, and generation of newborn neutrophils (granulopoiesis) should fulfill the environmental/systemic demands for training in cases of infection. Accumulating evidence suggests that neutrophils also play important roles in the regulation of adaptive immunity. Neutrophil-mediated immune responses end with apoptosis of the cells, and proper phagocytosis of the apoptotic body (efferocytosis) is crucial for initial and post resolution by producing tolerogenic innate/adaptive immune cells. However, inflammatory cues can impair these cascades, resulting in systemic immune activation; necrotic/pyroptotic neutrophil bodies can aggravate the excessive inflammation, increasing inflammatory macrophage and dendritic cell activation and subsequent TH1/TH17 responses contributing to the regulation of the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease. In this review, we briefly introduce recent studies of neutrophil function as players of immune response.

BMB Rep. 2022 Oct;55(10):473-480. DOI: 10.5483/BMBRep.2022.55.10.115.
